Adaptive immunity is mediated by T- and B-cells, which are immune cells capable of developing pathogen-specific memory that\nconfers immunological protection. Memory and effector functions of B- and T-cells are predicated on the recognition through\nspecialized receptors of specific targets (antigens) in pathogens. More specifically, B- and T-cells recognize portions within their\ncognate antigens known as epitopes. There is great interest in identifying epitopes in antigens for a number of practical reasons,\nincluding understanding disease etiology, immune monitoring, developing diagnosis assays, and designing epitope-based\nvaccines. Epitope identification is costly and time-consuming as it requires experimental screening of large arrays of potential\nepitope candidates. Fortunately, researchers have developed in silico prediction methods that dramatically reduce the burden\nassociated with epitope mapping by decreasing the list of potential epitope candidates for experimental testing. Here, we analyze\naspects of antigen recognition by T- and B-cells that are relevant for epitope prediction. Subsequently, we provide a systematic\nand inclusive review of the most relevant B- and T-cell epitope prediction methods and tools, paying particular attention to\ntheir foundations.